

About the Site


I could not rely solely on art communities to host my work. Massive websites where one can easily be overlooked - restrictive and nearly unbreathable places where theft is rampant, even expected. I would be proudest of my own website, and though it took time, I pursued that vision; I rebuilt it many times. Like the phoenix arisen from its ashes, my site returned, renewed. It remains a separate entity from my actual portfolio, retaining many scraps of artwork from different eras of my life.


After a bunch of bad names (see above), I settled on calling my website love in a different language. Ai 「愛」 not "A-I" (eh-eye), is the word in Japanese. What better to name a site than after the greatest force in this world?
Originally, there was only going to be an Ai version of the site, but I referred to it as Ai alone so much that I decided to make that the site's name. (For a time, it was also the name of my official portfolio.)


Simple is always best. A childlike playfulness radiates out of all my characters, and on what do they rest? The moon, which has for all time sparked many an imagination.

"A world of beauty awaits us, if only we choose to love each other."

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